Dakota State University's cyber-capabilities are expanding into Sioux Falls. The Madison university has announced a $90 million investment into an applied research lab in the state's largest city. We're joined by DSU president José-Marie Griffiths
"Last spring, I was at home washing my hands, and as I glanced up into the mirror, I noticed something unusual. My bathroom light hit my neck just right as I swallowed and there it was: a prominent lump. I diagnosed myself with a thyroid nodule and wondered how I, a physician, had failed to notice this large protuberance before that moment."
The FBI and Department of Homeland Security are reminding faith-based communities they will "likely" be continued targets of violence “by both domestic violent extremists and those inspired by foreign terrorists."
Interfaith Day was scheduled for Thursday in Pierre, due to Covid-19 numbers it has been canceled. This day is typically an opportunity for several people to get together at the capitol building representing various religions.
A recent study by the Pew Research Center shows that 3 of 10 U.S. adults are religiously unaffiliated. Greg Smith is associate director of research at the Pew Research Center, he joins us to go over the data.
The miracle baby came to our house for Christmas. Which seems appropriate, since we were in what many of us believe to be a season of miracles.
While forgiveness is a central concept in Christianity, it's a complicated skill in practice.We meet a faith leader whose understanding of forgiveness has been forever changed by his work inside the walls of South Dakota prisons.
Four years after canceling its annual Christian music festival, Life-Light organizers are turning their attention back to live events. Life-Light's current ministry is now targeting Gen Z — the generation research suggests is the least religious yet.
Featuring traditional holiday music performed by Bison-area musician/songwriter Eliza Blue, Todd Larson, and Todd’s daughter Rachel Larson of Lemmon, the 30-minute special was shot on location at tiny Rabbit Butte Church in Perkins County. Moved and preserved on private land, the church was once the Catholic Church for Lodgepole, SD.
The South Dakota Hall of Fame is raising money to display two important Native American artifacts.The bow and arrows of Oglala Sioux holy man Nicholas Black Elk could become part of an expanded exhibit.