Eminent domain has been a major issue in South Dakota for years as companies look to lay pipelines across the state, and property owners lands. One bill has narrowly escaped the Senate and highlights the divides between camps.
The Senate State Affairs hears two bills that would alter South Dakota’s stance on eminent domain, a significant debate among state landowners.
A bill aiming to offer tax credits to help fund private K-12 education was killed on the Senate floor. It comes amid both a budget crunch and a legislative push to utilize public dollars for private schooling.
The bill was brought by Piedmont Republican Sen. John Carley. He said nothing short of hand counting every ballot in South Dakota will definitively satisfy his election security concerns.
Another bill seeking to use public dollars to fund private and alternative education has advanced from committee in Pierre. This time though, it comes in the form of tax credits to fund alternative education.
A bill mandating the Ten Commandments in state classrooms again narrowly moves forward despite contention – this time in the House Education Committee.
A bill seeking to force school districts display the Ten Commandments in every South Dakota classroom has advanced from the Senate.
A bill which seeks to mandate the Ten Commandments be displayed in every South Dakota classroom advances from the Senate Education committee.
House lawmakers are advancing a proposal that requires people live in South Dakota to register to vote.