The computers of tomorrow are being installed today and at Dakota State University, that means quantum computers that leave most other devices in the dust.
A preview of stories we are working on for Dakota Life from Madison, South Dakota.
In this Dakota Life story from 1998, we visit the steam-powered carousel at Prairie Village in Madison.
NewsJoin SDPB for a free screening of Dakota Life Greetings from Madison Monday, December 4th.
Dakota State University students majoring in fields like computer science, cyber operations, AI, or mathematics have a new scholarship opportunity.
Dakota State University is developing plans for an athletics training facility that could include a massive inflatable dome.
T. Denny Sanford has committed a total of $60 million to support the growth of DSU's Applied Research Lab.
Lake County Museum Director Julie Breu and Volunteer Denise Lewis work to keep Chautauqua legacy alive.
Dakota State University entered a five-year Educational Partnership Agreement with ArmyCyber to work together on research and educational projects, according to a press release from the university.