Attorney General Marty Jackley releases the final ballot explanation for a proposed initiated measure that limits property tax assessment increases.
Initiated Measure 28 has failed at the ballot box. It would have removed the state’s tax on grocery items, and potentially other purchasable consumables.
Initiated Measure 28 is in front of South Dakotan’s this election season. Proponents say IM 28 removes a tax on grocery items they describe as “regressive”, opponents say that wording, and the financial consequences, are far too broad.
South Dakota residents have about a week left to comment on a draft explanation for a proposed initiated measure regarding property tax assessments.
Rapid City government has formally adopted a resolution in opposition to the initiated measure seeking to repeal the state tax for items used for human consumption.”
The backer of a ballot question to remove the state sales tax on items sold for human consumption says the group opposed to the idea are using fear to persuade voters.
One measure on the November ballot gives South Dakotans a chance to weigh in on the state’s grocery sales tax.
The state property tax assessment committee is continuing discussions on the impact of taxes on South Dakota homeowners.
A new report raises questions about the financial impact of a proposed initiated measure eliminating tax products sold for human consumption.
A newly formed coalition is forming to oppose a ballot question to remove the food tax.