On April 25, 2015, a devastating earthquake rocked Nepal. As it ripped across the Himalayas, it wiped out villages and left thousands dead. NOVA's "Himalayan Megaquake" premieres Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. Central on SDPB-TV. The program shares the harrowing stories of the Nepalese people who lived near the epicenter and of survivors trapped on Everest. In "Himalayan Megaquake" scientists race to answer questions - Is another big one just around the corner? What can we learn from the deadly combination of earthquakes and landslides? And can we rebuild to survive the next big one? Chris Schmidt, senior producer for NOVA at WGBH in Boston joined Kealey Bultena to preview the latest NOVA documentary.
Dakota Midday: NOVA "Himalayan Megaquake"
